Mastodon Secret Sneepsnop 2018
What in the world is Sneepsnop?
The Mastodon Secret Sneepsnop is a Secret Santa-like digital gift exchange started by Shel Raphen in 2017. Now in 2018 Suricrasia Online is here to carry the torch in organizing this year's Mastodon Secret Sneepsnop, so get ready to Sneepsnort!!!
Gifts in the Secret Sneepsnop are entirely digital, and many are created by the gift-giver themselves! Such creations include digital art, games, music, writing, or anything else that can fit inside a file. However, you don't need to make a gift for your Sneepsnopee, you can also buy digital goods for them such as an album, a download key, or an art commission. The possibilities are endless! Always remember that the Secret Sneepsnop is a silly and fun exchange, so don't be worried if what you make or get isn't good enough, it's the fun that counts!
Please note. By signing up you have agreed to give a gift to your assigned person. Failure to give them a gift within the grace period is not a very nice thing to do, and will result in your banning from next year's Secret Sneepsnop.
The Timeline:
- December 5th 2018 - Registrations open.
- December 15th 2018 - Registrations close.
- December 16th 2018 - Assignment emails are sent out letting every Sneepsnopper what their Sneepsnopee is in the form of their Mastodon handle. Here is when you start scoping out your assignee, come up with something they'll like, and put together their gift!
- December 28th 2018 - Soft due date for gifts. Send your Sneepsnopee their gift over Mastodon. If you're not able to do so, get in touch with us at and we'll figure something out.
- January 4th 2019 - End of grace period for giftgiving. If you haven't sent your gift to your assignee by this point and you haven't got into touch with us explaining the situation, then you will not be allowed to participate in next year's Secret Sneepsnop.
The Secret Sneepsnop Registry Form
Using unpatented Suricrasia Online shark technology, this year's registration form allows you to quickly generate an email to send all the relevant details of your application to the Suricrasia Online Dedicated Sneepsnort Planning Committee! Fill out all the fields, and click "Send That Email!". It should open your email client with the subject and recipient filled out, all you have to do is copy the generated body text into the email. If that doesn't work, make your own email to with the subject "Sneepsnop 2018 Application"
Generated Email Body Text: